Shows seen
40 shows, 9 days
4.44 per day#
1.57% of all 2,542 shows2010: 136 shows, 27 days, 5.04 per day, 5.54% of all 2,453 shows
- Twitter summaries of 2012
- Third time’s the charm
- Classics of sorts
- Edgelands
- International and interplanetary intrigues
- Getting ready
- The final day
- Penultimate Day, to Tim Minchin from the KKK
- The Wilds of the North … of Princes Street
- Wolves at the Gilded Balloon
- Cancelled Shakespeare for Clarance House
- Classics
- In my head, I’m laughing lots. And out loud too.
- Twenty days, one hundred shows
- Moments
- Solo Cello
- Wasabi Peas shot my Doctor Who scotch egg one Midsummer Night
- Victorian dictator obsession
- I saw a man who wrote a book, and other things – let’s take a look
- This will be the title of a blog post
- Memoirs of the Apocalypse
- Ups and Downs
- Three shows in 3D
- On the 10th day, it got a bit random
- Robin Ince and the musical Killer Crabs
- 80s History of Musical Celebrity Space Dinosaurs called Charlie
- Hard rock oompah, drunk Toto, maths ukelele, Old English hip-hop
- Command line search
- Science
- First Fringe Sunday
- Third-wave feminism, from folklore to the present day
- Attack of the shadow puppet
- Can you say what people from Corsica are called?
- First day
- Arrival
- Introduction
Some pointless graphs
If you have any other suggestions for more pointless graphs based on the data of what shows I've seen, please suggest it below.
Fab site, especially love the pointless graphs!